Thursday, March 10, 2011

newcastle university city campus

Newcastle university school of architecture and built environment newcastle city campus: proposal of a university campus in newcastle CBD. the design features two main part; student's building and teacher's building. there are connected by common space, through site walkway and common space. it provide privacy for strudents and lectures, however there also common space student and lectures can meet everyday to discuss subjects. 

The building consist shops facing street for street activity and service to building users. at basement level there is huge two-stories deep open gallary for display students work. above are two levels of open studio space. above the studio is the green rooftop court for all kinds of student's activites, concerts, meeting and parties. lecters building consists library at lower level and offices above. on top of all, the lecture theater set in the air about two stories above the green rooftop that is supported by structural post of all different position and angle. 

The lifted theater provides coverage to green rooftop. the green rooftop increases activity floor spaces in the city and also provide sustainable roof to the building. the studio floors all have circular voids which allow maxium natural light penetrate through studio spaces. sun shading approch also apply to walkway stairway areas.     

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